Maree McPherson
Maree McPherson is a leadership coach, facilitator and mentor with a track record of helping regional women and teams fall in love with their work and enjoy a lifestyle that creates latitude.
With more than 30 years of experience, Maree has worked with individual leaders and leadership teams within organisations to embrace lifelong learning and create a legacy.
Maree is passionate about women creating possibility in regional and rural areas. Her philosophy is that the city isn’t necessarily a better place to have a career, run a business, or raise a family – you can be equally, if not more, fulfilled building a life in a regional or rural area.
The thing that sets her apart is that Maree practices what she preaches. Her diverse and varied career background has thrived in regional Australia and as she experiences many of the challenges and joys that regional people describe, Maree is well-placed to connect and motivate local leaders.
Maree says, “At times in my career, I have been the only woman in the room. I have also worked in female-dominant industries where the only men have been in the executive roles. I know how crucial it is to have diversity in leadership – and how organisations prosper when they do.”
Here at Gippslandia, we're particularly grateful for the coaching Maree has provided our leadership team, as well as continuously promoting and contributing to our community fundraising campaigns, especially our recent Meaningful Post Campaign. Maree’s work within the community to introduce high quality authors and story tellers, and her efforts to lift-up those around her, are befitting of Gippslandia’s purpose and values.
Thank you, Maree!