Lisa Northover
Traralgon-based, Lisa Northover is a writer with an individual flair.
What is your favourite piece that you’ve worked on for Gippslandia?
Lisa Northover: Reborn in a tent full of glitter – a reflective piece from New Year’s Eve spent at a local bush doof.
What do you love about being based in Gippsland?
The slower-paced lifestyle and overall affordability.
Why do you support Gippslandia?
Gippslandia celebrates small successful businesses doing great things in a region that often gets a bad wrap. I love the publication’s fun, quirky design and overall vibe.
What does a successful and supportive community look like to you?
A partnership between new and existing locals, driving growth and positive change.
What’s us your hot tip? How can visitors have the best time in our region?
Enjoy the wineries, nature and scenery, and don’t forget the cafes, that are often hiding in the most unlikely locations.

Six things I’ve learnt.
Lisa Northover shares some of her hard-earned lessons in managing a team. Read more
Pickers Paradise.
You'll never guess where Lisa found a nirvana of secondhand goods - a collection of 'diamonds in... Read more
ArticleFood & Drink
Distance, the secret ingredient?
Ah, road trips... a glamorous idea proposed by a bunch of bored friends eager for a spontaneous... Read more