Helen Fletcher
Now based in north Wales, UK, Helen Fletcher is our contributor from afar.
“I lived in beautiful Gippsland for four years. A piece of my heart will always remain in those luscious rolling hills, which are so reminiscent of my native Wales.
“Gippslandia opens your eyes to the incredible undercurrent of passion and creativity happening in the area. I’ve never experienced a place like Gippsland in all my life, it’s truly inspiring.”
Gippslandia: Why do you support Gippslandia?
Helen Fletcher: It celebrates everything about Gippsland – the creatives, the businesses, the personalities. It opens your eyes to what’s right on your doorstep.
What does a successful and supportive community look like to you?
A place where local businesses, community groups, schools and community members walk together. They support each other, respect each
other and everyone contributes to making it work.
What’s your hot tip – how can visitors have the best time in our region?
Get outdoors! Grab your coffee in one of the incredible cafes then hit the slopes, the forests or the creek. I can’t choose one, there’s too much to do!