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Our Voices. Our Future.

Join Communities Leading Change for an online conversation exploring the big questions around climate change and energy transitions with a local focus.

Oct 7, 2020

Images: Esther Lloyd

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Join Communities Leading Change for an online conversation about the future of the Latrobe Valley and surrounding areas.

Our ‘Conversations for Change’ were just the beginning. At this event, you will hear from inspiring locals as well as guests from other communities in transition.

Our focus now is to bring people from all walks of life together to develop a roadmap for a transition that provides a strong economy, jobs, and a safe environment for generations to come.

It will take all of us to build this future. Join us at the table today!

“Community driven initiatives promote stronger partnerships and more creative local solutions. These are the basic building blocks for healthy, happy and resilient communities.”

Sunday 18th October 2020, 2:00pm to 3:30pm

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Special Edition - Communities Leading Change

It is our stories that define us and the conversations we have that shape what we value and believe in. We all have fears and dreams, but it is our shared stories that bring us together.

The Communities Leading Change Project began as a partnership between Climate for Change and the Gippsland Climate Change Network in 2018, and was one of 24 projects across Victoria primarily funded through the Virtual Centre for Climate Change Innovation (VCCCI).

It was a community co-designed program that aimed to empower people in and around the Latrobe Valley, and with support engage other communities as a way of exploring the big questions around climate change and energy transitions with a local focus.

We provided two cohorts of workshops during 2019 for 33 local people from different backgrounds including the coal, renewable energy, and agricultural industries, health professionals and community workers, environmentalists, multicultural leaders, artists, students and more.

These local people facilitated small group conversations called “Conversations for Change”. It included about 185 community members over a seven-month period, and was undertaken over a shared meal. More than 60 hours of recorded conversations were collected. Quotes reflecting the main themes that came out of these discussions are scattered throughout this publication.

We found that most people were concerned about climate change as a serious and urgent threat (78%), while about 70% also believed that an energy transition in the Latrobe Valley was not happening fast enough. People had mixed feelings about the changes already happening and how the community could reach a just energy transition. However, people agreed the significant need for the community to be supported, come together, find solutions and put in concrete plans was essential to guarantee these future visions.

This special edition collects some of the stories and sentiments of people involved in, and engaged by, Communities Leading Change more widely. We hope it will inspire you to join us in bringing people of all backgrounds in the Latrobe Valley and surrounding areas together so we can build a strong community that has a voice and is active in building a prosperous, fair and sustainable future for all.


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