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Learn to save a life with Ambulance Victoria

Now is the time to learn the basics of CPR and Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).

Nov 17, 2021

Words: Gippslandia

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Your best friend or partner has cardiac arrest – their heart suddenly stops pumping blood effectively around the body – would you know what to do next?

We’re incredibly proud of our region’s first responders – all Gippslandians are. In just the last 18 months, they’ve assisted us through catastrophic fires, severe storms, flooding and a global pandemic. For what is innately already a stressful profession, the challenges of the past couple of years have raised the demands on our first responders to precarious new heights.

They're heroes. And, they do it for you.

To help ease some of the current unprecedented demand, volunteers from agencies such as SES, St John Ambulance and LifeSaving Victoria are working alongside Ambulance Victoria paramedics. This is helping to free up emergency ambulances for those in the community that need them the most. The Australian Defence Force has also been deployed, as have many retired paramedics – earning their registration again to come back and support third-year university students training on the job. It’s all hands on deck, all the time.

They’re heroes. And, they do it for you.

Now is the moment to jump in and individually assist in easing the burden on our paramedics. At Gippslandia, we want to do our bit to support too. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Ambulance Victoria to present valuable online training and we’re encouraging you to join us.

It’s time for you to be ready to be a hero too.

It’s time to learn the basics of CPR and Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), as well as gain an introduction to the benefits of the damn cool GoodSam App.

REGISTER TODAY and learn to save a life - FREE online training, 14th December @ 7.30pm.

Cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere, at any age, health or fitness level, often without symptoms. Every day, around 18 Victorians will suffer a cardiac arrest – with 76 per cent of cardiac arrests occurring in the home.

This puts the onus on each of us to become more equipped at dealing with a cardiac arrest.

Learn CPR with Ambulance Victoria.
Learn CPR with Ambulance Victoria.

In 2018, Ambulance Victoria launched GoodSAM, a life-saving mobile app. GoodSAM is an app that alerts registered responders to someone nearby in cardiac arrest. The app provides the location of the cardiac arrest and the location of the nearest available AED, enabling the GoodSAM responder to provide CPR and defibrillation in the first critical minutes before paramedics arrive.

While bystanders alone will never replace our beloved ambulance service, starting the chain of survival saves lives. When bystanders act to call Triple Zero (000), begin CPR and shock using an AED, the chances of survival increase by 72 per cent.

Anyone aged over 18 who is willing to do hands-only CPR can become a GoodSAM Responder.

As a GoodSAM Responder, you will only receive an alert if you’re nearby to the person in cardiac arrest. You will be given the address of the patient, along with the location of the closest AED (if one is available), so you can begin lifesaving care while an ambulance is on its way.


That’s why we’re calling on you – our caring and community-minded Gippslandia readers – to register for our free training event where you’ll be learning how to deliver potentially life-saving CPR, use an AED, and understand the amazing GoodSAM App.

Thank you, you’re a lifesaver (or you will be).

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