Growing Back East Gippsland
Submission entries extended to Sunday 4th October.
Growing Back East Gippsland is a visual art competition inviting the students of East Gippsland to produce an original piece of work to be included in a collaborative creative project.
Aug 24, 2020
Contribute to support more positive local storytelling.
SupportEast Gippsland has suffered several recent acute shocks following drought, bushfires and other subsequent events. We would love for you to create a piece of are that symbolises ‘Regrowth, Resilience and Hope’ to you and/or your community.
Your art work can be provided in various forms i.e. Photo, Drawing, Painting, Story etc.
Please attach a photo or scanned image below of your art work, however please keep your original art work in a safe place as we may need you to provide that at a later date.

How to enter in 3 easy steps.
Step 1:
Create your masterpiece using any medium you’d like. Paint, pencil, photography, short story, we encourage a total mix of mediums. Your only limit is your imagination, but there are a few simple guidelines to follow!
Here are a few questions that you might like to consider as you think about your creation:
How do you picture “hope”?
What does the landscape and regrowth look like now in your town?
Turn the page to 2021 – What do you look forward to?
Entry Guidelines:
Theme: Regrowth & Hope
Size: Landscape A4
Ages: Students from prep to year 12
Step 2:
Once your piece is complete, photograph (an iPhone snap will do) or scan your artwork so you can send us a digital version. We will be judging all the entries digitally, so a well lit photo with no shadows or better yet a scan of the artwork would be best.
Please also hang on to the original, we might need to scan it ourselves for reproduction in the calendar if it’s a winning entry!
Step 3:
After you have taken a photo or scanned the artwork, send the entry to us! It’s as simple as that really. Entries should be submitted via the Gippslandia website: https://www.gippslandia.com.au/growingbackeastgippsland
The Competition opens on Mon 24 August 2020 and entries must be submitted by 4 October.
Judging will take place in October 2020. Winning entries will receive a gift card for $50, and their artwork will be included in our Regrowth Calendar and Virtual Gallery.